HKBU announced the six finalists of the 2nd Dream of the Red Chamber Award

Mr. Zhang Dapeng, President of Y. Cee Chemicals Ltd., donated HK$10 million to HKBU to establish "The Dream of the Red Chamber Award: The World's Distinguished Novel in Chinese––Zhang Dapeng Endowment Fund", making the running of the Award continuously possible. On 12 June 2008, the Faculty of Arts conducted the Press Briefing for Establishment of the Zhang Dapeng Endowment Fund cum Announcement of the Shortlisted Novels of the 2nd the Dream of the Red Chamber Awrd.

Shortlisted Novels of the 2nd the Dream of the Red Chamber Award:

Book title Author Publisher
生死疲勞 莫言 作家出版社 (北京)
巫言 朱天文 印刻出版公司 (台灣)
刺汢歌 張煒 人民文學出版社 (北京)
到黑夜想你沒辦法 曹乃謙 長江文藝出版社 (武漢)
時間繁史‧啞瓷之光 董啟章 城邦文化事業股份有限公司 麥田出版事業部 (台灣)
啟蒙時代 王安憶 城邦文化事業股份有限公司 麥田出版事業部 (台灣) 人民文學出版社 (北京)
笨花 鐵凝 人民文學出版社 (北京)